“Belle Époque. The Italian Painters of Modern Life From Lega and Fattori to Boldini and De Nittis to Nomellini and Balla”.

mostra Belle époque

“Belle Époque. I pittori italiani della vita moderna
Da Lega e Fattori a Boldini e De Nittis a Nomellini e Balla”


Italian Art 1864-1917
Curated by Massimo Bertozzi
29 June - 27 October 2024

Palazzo Cucchiari - Giorgio Conti Onlus Foundation
Via Cucchiari, 1 - Carrara

Opening hours

JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, and until 15/09/2024:
Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun: 09:30-12:30, 16:00-20:00.
Fri, Sat: 09:30-12:30, 16:00-23:00.
From 17/09/2024 - 27/10/2024:
Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun: 09:30-12:30, 15:00-20:00
Fri, Sat: 09:30-12:30, 15:00-21:00
Special openings:
Thu, 05/09/2024: 09:30-12:30, 16:00-23:00
LAST WEEK OF OCTOBER (22/10 to 27/10) Early opening 2.30 p.m.

Info: 0585 72355 - info@palazzocucchiari.it - www.palazzocucchiari.it

Entrance ticket

FULL: €10.00
REDUCED: €8.00
GROUPS: €8.00 with/without audio guide
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: €5.00 with audio guide
SCHOOLS: Free for students up to 18 years old
FREE OF CHARGE: Young people up to 18 years of age, Disabled persons and accompanying person, Journalists with national card.
FULL PRICE € 8,00 - OVER 65 € 7,00

Sponsor: R.E.D. Graniti S.p.A.
Media partner: Finestre sull'Arte

Divided into seven sections and an intermezzo, the exhibition follows the traces of the changes in painting after the Unification, from the passing of regional schools to the recomposition of a national imprint, aiming straight at an artistic culture suitable for the modern times of the 'New Italy'.
It was in this context that the entrepreneurial world, high finance and aristocratic enterprise, and no longer just academies and other public institutions, became promoters of the fine arts and, as collectors or patrons, important reference figures for artists and merchants.
While we are witnessing the decline of the ideals of the Risorgimento, in which the artists had participated with consistency and civil courage, and the conservative involution of the national political class became apparent, Italian Art is finally reborn.
The exhibition is therefore a process that leads from the last Macchiaioli throbs to the effervescence of the Scapigliatura up to the final outcomes of Divisionism, i.e. from Fattori and Lega to Boldini and De Nittis to Nomellini and Balla.
Not to mention that other artists in the exhibition with their works bear the names of Signorini, Spadini, Pellizza da Volpedo, Zandomeneghi and Corcos, and then again Antonio Mancini, Tranquillo Cremona, Mosè Bianchi, Emilio Longoni, Angelo Morbelli, Gaetano Previati, and many others.
In total, there are about ninety works - including paintings on canvas and on wood, watercolours, pastels and sculptures in bronze and plaster - spanning a period of time from 1864 to 1917.